110 Irelands Best Fiddle Tunes CD

110 Irelands Best Fiddle Tunes CD

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110 Irelands Best Fiddle Tunes CD is a double CD with 110 of the best tunes in any fiddle player's repertoire, especially chosen, arranged and performed by one of Ireland's top players and teachers.

Rolls, cuts, triplets
Brian O'Lynn,  Bridgets Farewell to Canada,  The Carraroe Jig,  Connie O'Connell's,  A Day at the Races,  Dooney Rock, The Dutchman's Frolics,  Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part,  Jackie Daly's,  Jackie Small's,  James Keane's ,  John McKenna's,  The Kilrenora,  Larrissey's Favourite, The Leg of a Duck,  The Lilter,  Manure's March ,  Michael 0 hEidhin,  The Mooncom Jig, Mrs. O'Sullivan's,  Paddy's Return, Phil's Jig,  The Rambler, Scatter the Mud,  The Thrush on the Strand, Tommy Manure's,  Tommy Peoples' (I),  Tommy Peoples' (2),  The Wheels of the World, Whelan's
The Blackhaired Lass, Gusty's Frolics
Baile an tSamhraidh (slide),  Begleys Favourite (slide),  The Brosna Slide,  The Castleisland Polka, Dhmni Ui Mheiscill (slide),  Jackie Daly's (polka),  Johnny Leary's (polka),  The Sliabh Luchra  (polka),  Teahan's Favourite (polka),  Terry Teahans's (polka),  The Wedding Polka. 
The Back of the Haggard,  Byrne's,  Cooley's,  Flaherty's,  Galway Bay, The Golden Eagle, The High Level, The Poppy Leaf, The Scent of the Bog, The Sunny Banks (The Blackbird).
The Ashplant,  An Ball Seirce,  Ballinasloe Fair,  Bean a Ti ar Lar,  Bonnie Kate, The Cameronian,  Charlie O'Donnell's,  Ciaran Kelly's, Colonel Rodney's,  The Concertina,  Conlon's (2) The Crock of Gold, The Daisy Field, The (The Wild Irishman),  Doctor Gilbert's Fancy,  Dowd's, The Earl's Chair,  Ferry's, The Flowing Bowl,  Geehan's Frolics,  The Green Fields of Rossbeigh,  The Hare's Paw,  Jenny's Chickens,   Jenny's Wedding,  John Naughton's,  John Naughton's Favourite,  The Killavil Reel,  Last Night's Fun,  La Tour a Solette,  Lucky in Love,  Maeve's Return, The Maids of Mitchelstown,  Martin Power's,  Martin Wynne's (2), The Merry Harriers,  Michael McAuley's, The Miser's Pocket,  The Morning Dew,  The Newly-Mown Meadow,  O'Connell's Trip to Parliament,  One Night in Doolin,  Paddy Kelly's (I),  Paddy Kelly's (2),   Patsy Touhey's, The Pretty Girls of Mayo,  The Reconciliation,  Ril John Kelly,  The Roscommon Reel, The Sailor's Bonnet,  The Scones of Boxty,  The Skylark, The Star of Munster,  The Stony Steps,  The Tap Room,  The Tempest,  Tommy Peoples' Reel,  Toss the Feathers, Upstairs in a Tent.